Martina Morassi


After earning a Master’s degree in Chemistry at the University of  Trieste (Italy), in 2015 I joined the French Center for Scientific Research as a PhD student in Physics. My thesis focused on the Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) growth and characterization of III-N nitride nanowires for photovoltaic and piezoelectric applications. Now I am an engineer at C2N laboratory. My main activity consists in the MBE growth of III-V heterostructures for wave engineering (microcavities and related structures, quantum wells, quantum dots..) and spintronics. I am enthused and always open to new collaborative ventures in which ideas and know-how are shared day by day to deliver successful projects and new scientific knowledge.




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Office number

10 Bd Thomas Gobert
91120 Palaiseau  FRANCE

Phone number
+33 1 70 27  04 67

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