Aristide Lemaître PhD, HDR

CNRS Senior Researcher (DR2)



Aristide Lemaître received his Ph.D degree in 1999 at the University of Paris 6, for his study of the magneto-optical properties of II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductor heterostructures. He was then granted an individual Marie-Curie fellowship to investigate the optical properties of InAs quantum dots at the University of Sheffield (UK). He joined the CNRS-LPN, now C2N, in 2001 as a permanent researcher. His research activities are focused on III-V heterostructure epitaxial growth and physics. For the last 15 years, he has conducted research on ferromagnetic semiconductors. He now investigates the growth and physics of topological insulators. He has a well-recognized expertise in high finesse microcavity epitaxy for quantum optics applications, as polariton manipulation, single photon and photon pair generation. His structures are at the state of art, yielding numerous collaborations with research groups in France and abroad. He is the coauthors of more than 360 publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Publications (since 2018)

For a full list and metrics, have a look to Publons or ORCID . Also on ResearchGate.


  • Brillouin Scattering Selection Rules in Polarization-Sensitive Photonic Resonators, A. Rodriguez, P. Priya, A. R. Cardozo de Oliveira, A. Harouri, I. Sagnes, F. Pastier, L. Le Gratiet, M. Morassi, A. Lemaître, L. Lanco, M. Esmann, and N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, ACS Photonics, 10, 1687 (2023)
  • Spin-Momentum Locking and Ultrafast Spin-Charge Conversion in Ultrathin Epitaxial Bi1−xSbx Topological Insulator, E. Rongione, L. Baringthon, D. She, G. Patriarche, R. Lebrun, A. Lemaître, M. Morassi, N. Reyren, M. Micica, J. Mangeney, J. Tignon, F. Bertran, S. Dhillon, P. Le Févre, H. Jaffrès, and J.-M. George, Adv. Sci. 2301124 (2023)
  • High-rate entanglement between a semiconductor spin and indistinguishable photons, N. Coste, D. A. Fioretto, N. Belabas, S. C. Wein, P. Hilaire, R. Frantzeskakis, M. Gundin, B. Goes, N. Somaschi, M. Morassi, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, A. Harouri, S. E. Economou, A. Auffeves, O. Krebs, L. Lanco & P. Senellart, Nature Photonics (2023)
  • Broadband Biphoton Generation and Polarization Splitting in a Monolithic AlGaAs Chip, F. Appas, O. Meskine, A. Lemaître, J. Palomo, F. Baboux, M. I. Amanti, and S. Ducci, ACS Photonics 10, 1136 (2023) ;
  • Probing the dynamics and coherence of a semiconductor hole spin via acoustic phonon-assisted excitation, N. Coste, M. Gundin, D. A. Fioretto, S. E. Thomas, C. Millet, E. Mehdi, N. Somaschi, M. Morassi, M. Pont, A. Lemaître, N. Belabas, O. Krebs, L. Lanco and P Senellart, Quantum Sci. Technol. 8, 025021 (2023)


  • Nonlinear Quantum Photonics With AlGaAs Bragg-Reflection Waveguides, F. Appas, O. Meskine, A. Lemaître, M. Morassi, F. Baboux, M. I. Amanti, S. Ducci, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40, 7658 (2022)
  • Optomechanical measurement of single nanodroplet evaporation with millisecond time-resolutio, S. Sbarra, L. Waquier, S. Suffit, A. Lemaître & I. Favero, Nature Comm. 13, 6462 (2022)
  • Three-Dimensional Electrical Control of the Excitonic Fine Structure for a Quantum Dot in a Cavity, H. Ollivier, P. Priya, A. Harouri, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, O. Krebs, L. Lanco, N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, M. Esmann, and P. Senellart, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 057401(2022)
  • Quantifying n-Photon Indistinguishability with a Cyclic Integrated Interferometer, M. Pont, R. Albiero, S. E. Thomas, N. Spagnolo, F. Ceccarelli, G. Corrielli, A. Brieussel, N. Somaschi, H. Huet, A. Harouri, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, N. Belabas, F. Sciarrino, R. Osellame, P. Senellart, and A. Crespi, Phys. Rev. X 12, 031033 (2022)
  • Kardar–Parisi–Zhang universality in a one-dimensional polariton condensate, Q. Fontaine, DF. Baboux, Ivan Amelio, A. Lemaître, M. Morassi, I. Sagnes, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, M. Wouters, I. Carusotto, A. Amo, M. Richard, A. Minguzzi, L. Canet, S. Ravets & J. Bloch, Nature 608, 687 (2022)
  • Topological surface states in ultrathin Bi1−xSbx layers, L. Baringthon, Thi Huong Dang, H. Jaffrès, N. Reyren, J.-M. George, M. Morassi, G. Patriarche, A. Lemaître, F. Bertran, and P. Le Fèvre, Phys. Rev. Materials 6, 074204 (2022)
  • Reconfigurable photon localization by coherent drive and dissipation in photonic lattices, O. Jamadi, B. Real, K. Sawicki, C. Hainaut, A. González-Tudela, N. Pernet, I. Sagnes, M. Morassi, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, S. Ravets, J. Bloch, and A. Amo, Optica 9, 706 (2022)
  • Few-photon all-optical phase rotation in a quantum-well micropillar cavity, T. Kuriakose, P. M. Walker, T. Dowling, O. Kyriienko, I. A. Shelykh, Phillipe St-Jean, N. Carlon Zambon, A. Lemaître, Isabelle Sagnes, L. Legratiet, A. Harouri, S. Ravets, M. S. Skolnick, A. Amo, J. Bloch and D. N. Krizhanovskii, Nature Phot. (2022)
  • Gap solitons in a one-dimensional driven-dissipative topological lattice, N. Pernet, P. St-Jean, D. D. Solnyshko, G. Malpuech, N. Carlon Zambon, Q. Fontaine, B. Real, O. Jamadi, A. Lemaître, M. Morassi, L. Le Gratiet, T. Baptiste, A. Harouri, I. Sagnes, A. Amo, S. Ravets and J. Bloch, Nature Phys. (2022)
  • A 5.7 THz GaN/AlGaN quantum cascade detector based on polar step quantum wells, P. Quach, A. Jollivet, A. Babichev, N. Isac, M. Morassi, A. Lemaître, P. A. Yunin, E. Frayssinet, P. de Mierry, M. Jeannin1, A. Bousseksou1, R. Colombelli, M. Tchernycheva,Y. Cordier, and F. H. Julien, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 171103 (2022)
  • Simultaneous measurements of nuclear-spin heat capacity, temperature, and relaxation in GaAs microstructures, M. Vladimirova, S. Cronenberger, A. Colombier, D. Scalbert, V. M. Litvyak, K. V. Kavokin, and A. Lemaître, Phys. Rev. B 105, 155305 (2022)
  • Photon-number entanglement generated by sequential excitation of a two-level atom, S. C. Wein, J. C. Loredo, M. Maffei, P. Hilaire, A. Harouri, N. Somaschi, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, L. Lanco, O. Krebs, A. Auffèves, C. Simon, P. Senellart and C. Antón-Solanas, Nature Phot. 16, 374 (2022)
  • Tunable second harmonic generation by an all-dielectric diffractive metasurface embedded in liquid crystals, D. Rocco, A. Zilli, A. Ferraro, A. Borne, V. Vinel, G. Leo, A. Lemaître, C. Zucchetti, M. Celebrano, R. Caputo, C. De Angelis, and M. Finazzi, New Journal of Physics, 24, 045002 (2022)
  • Multimode Optomechanical Weighting of a Single Nanoparticle, S. Sbarra, L. Waquier, S. Suffit, A. Lemaître, and I. Favero, Nano Lett., 22, 710 (2022)


  • Chiral emission induced by optical Zeeman effect in polariton micropillars, B. Real, N. Carlon Zambon, P. St-Jean, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, S. Ravets, J. Bloch, and A. Amo, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043161 (2021)

  • Anyonic Two-Photon Statistics with a Semiconductor Chip, S. Francesconi, S. Raymond, N. Fabre, A. Lemaître, M. I. Amanti, P. Milman, F. Baboux, and S. Ducci, ACS Photonics 8, 2764 (2021)

  • A multiphysics model for ultra-high frequency optomechanical resonators optically actuated and detected in the oscillating mode S. Sbarra, P. E. Allain, S. Suffit, A. Lemaître, and I. Favero, APL Photonics 6, 086111 (2021)

  • Flexible entanglement-distribution network with an AlGaAs chip for secure communications, F. Appas, F. Baboux, M. I. Amanti, A. Lemaître, F. Boitier, E. Diamanti & S. Ducci, npj Quantum Information, 7, 118 (2021)

  • Electro-Optomechanical Modulation Instability in a Semiconductor Resonator, P.-E. Allain, B. Guha, C. Baker, D. Parrain, A. Lemaître, G. Leo, and I. Favero, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 243901 (2021)

  •  Bright Polarized Single-Photon Source Based on a Linear Dipole, S. E. Thomas, M. Billard, N. Coste, S. C. Wein, Priya, H. Ollivier, O. Krebs, L. Tazaïrt, A. Harouri, A. Lemaitre, I. Sagnes, C. Anton, L. Lanco, N. Somaschi, J. C. Loredo, and P. Senellart, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 233601 (2021)

  • Topological optical and phononic interface mode by simultaneous band inversion, O. Ortiz, P. Priya, A. Rodriguez, A. Lemaitre, M. Esmann, and N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, Optica 8, 598 (2021)

  • Measuring Topological Invariants in a Polaritonic Analog of Graphene, P. St-Jean, A. Dauphin, P. Massignan, B. Real, O. Jamadi, M. Milicevic, A. Lemaître, A. Harouri, L. Le Gratiet, I. Sagnes, S. Ravets, J. Bloch, and A. Amo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 127403 (2021)

  • All-Optical Beam Steering Using the Polariton Lighthouse Effect, S. M. H. Luk, H. Vergnet, O. Lafont, P. Lewandowski, N. H. Kwong, E. Galopin, A. Lemaitre, P. Roussignol, J. Tignon, S. Schumacher, R. Binder, and E. Baudin, ACS Photonics 8, 449 (2021)

  • Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference with Imperfect Single Photon Sources, H. Ollivier, S. E. Thomas, S. C. Wein, I. Maillette de Buy Wenniger, N. Coste, J. C. Loredo, N. Somaschi, A. Harouri, A. Lemaitre, I. Sagnes, L. Lanco, C. Simon, C. Anton, O. Krebs, and P. Senellart, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 063602 (2021)

  • Cavity optomechanics with a laser-engineered optical trap, P. Sesin, S. Anguiano, A. E. Bruchhausen, A. Lemaître, and A. Fainstein, Phys. Rev. B 103, L081301(2021)

  •  Quantitative Assessment of Carrier Density by Cathodoluminescence. I. GaAs Thin Films and Modeling, H.-L. Chen, A. Scaccabarozzi, R. De Lépinau, F. Oehler, A. Lemaître, J.-C. Harmand, A. Cattoni, and S. Collin, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 024006 (2021)

  • Fiber-based angular filtering for high-resolution Brillouin spectroscopy in the 20-300 GHz frequency range, A. Rodriguez, P. Priya, O. Ortiz, P. Senellart, C. Gomez-Carbonell, A. Lemaître, M. Esmann, and N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, Optics Express, 29, 2637 (2021)

  • Topological surface states in epitaxial (SnBi2Te4)n(Bi2Te3)m natural van der Waals superlattices, S. Fragkos, L. Baringthon, P. Tsipas, E. Xenogiannopoulou, P. Le Fèvre, P. Kumar, H. Okuno, N. Reyren, A. Lemaitre, G. Patriarche, J.-M. George, and A. Dimoulas, Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 014203


  • Semi-Dirac Transport and Anisotropic Localization in Polariton Honeycomb Lattices, B. Real, O. Jamadi, M. Milićević, N. Pernet, P. St-Jean, T. Ozawa, G. Montambaux, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, S. Ravets, J. Bloch, and A. Amo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 186601 (2020)

  • Spin–orbit torque switching of a ferromagnet with picosecond electrical pulses, K. Jhuria, J.  Hohlfeld, A. Pattabi, E. Martin, A. Y. Arriola Córdova, X. Shi, R. Lo Conte, S. Petit-Watelot, J.-C. Rojas-Sanchez, G. Malinowski, S. Mangin, A. Lemaître, M. Hehn, J. Bokor, R. B. Wilson & J. Gorchon, Nature Electronics 3, 680 (2020)

  • Deterministic assembly of a charged-quantum-dot–micropillar cavity device, P. Hilaire, C. Millet, J. C. Loredo, C. Antón, A. Harouri, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, N. Somaschi, O. Krebs, P. Senellart, and L. Lanco, Phys. Rev. B 102, 195402 (2020)

  • Force Sensing with an Optomechanical Self-Oscillator, B. Guha, P.-E. Allain, A. Lemaître, G. Leo, and I. Favero, Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 024079 (2020)

  • Direct observation of photonic Landau levels and helical edge states in strained honeycomb lattices, O. Jamadi, E. Rozas, G. Salerno, M. Milićević, T. Ozawa, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, I. Carusotto, J. Bloch & A. Amo, Light: Science & Applications 9, 144 (2020)

  • Parametric instability in coupled nonlinear microcavities, N. Carlon Zambon, S. R. K. Rodriguez, A. Lemaître, A. Harouri, L. Le Gratiet, I. Sagnes, P. St-Jean, S. Ravets, A. Amo, and J. Bloch, Phys. Rev. A 102, 023526 (2020)

  • Emergence of criticality through a cascade of delocalization transitions in quasiperiodic chains, V. Goblot, A. Štrkalj, N. Pernet, J. L. Lado, C. Dorow, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, I. Sagnes, S. Ravets, A. Amo, J. Bloch & O. Zilberberg, Nature Phys. 16, 832 (2020)

  • Multi-orbital tight binding model for cavity-polariton lattices, F. Mangussi, M. Milićević, I. Sagnes, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, A. Lemaître, J. Bloch, A. Amo and G. Usaj, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 32, 315402 (2020)

  • Frequency doubling and parametric fluorescence in a four-port aluminum gallium arsenide photonic chip, I. Roland, A. Borne, M. Ravaro, R. De Oliveira, S. Suffit, P. Filloux, A. Lemaître, I. Favero, and G. Leo, Optics Lett. 45, 2878 (2020) ;
    Force Sensing with an Optomechanical Self-Oscillator, B. Guha, P.-E. Allain, A. Lemaître, G. Leo, and I. Favero, Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 024079 (2020)

  • Direct observation of photonic Landau levels and helical edge states in strained honeycomb lattices, O. Jamadi, E. Rozas, G. Salerno, M. Milićević, T. Ozawa, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, I. Carusotto, J. Bloch & A. Amo, Light: Science & Applications 9, 144 (2020)

  • Parametric instability in coupled nonlinear microcavities, N. Carlon Zambon, S. R. K. Rodriguez, A. Lemaître, A. Harouri, L. Le Gratiet, I. Sagnes, P. St-Jean, S. Ravets, A. Amo, and J. Bloch, Phys. Rev. A 102, 023526 (2020)

  • Emergence of criticality through a cascade of delocalization transitions in quasiperiodic chains, V. Goblot, A. Štrkalj, N. Pernet, J. L. Lado, C. Dorow, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, I. Sagnes, S. Ravets, A. Amo, J. Bloch & O. Zilberberg, Nature Phys. (2020)
  • Multi-orbital tight binding model for cavity-polariton lattices, F. Mangussi, M. Milićević, I. Sagnes, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, A. Lemaître, J. Bloch, A. Amo and G. Usaj, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 32, 315402 (2020)
  • Frequency doubling and parametric fluorescence in a four-port aluminum gallium arsenide photonic chip, I. Roland, A. Borne, M. Ravaro, R. De Oliveira, S. Suffit, P. Filloux, A. Lemaître, I. Favero, and G. Leo, Optics Lett. 45, 2878 (2020)
  • Excitation Ladder of Cavity Polaritons, T. M. Autry, G. Nardin, C. L. Smallwood, K. Silverman, D. Bajoni, A. Lemaître, S. Bouchoule, J. Bloch, and S. Cundiff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 06740 (2020)
  • Engineering two-photon wavefunction and exchange statistics in a semiconductor chip, S. Francesconi, F. Baboux, A. Raymond, N. Fabre, G. Boucher, A. Lemaître, P. Milman, M. I. Amanti, and S. Ducci, Optica, 7, 316 (2020)
  • Time- and space-resolved nonlinear magnetoacoustic dynamics, M. Kraimia, P. Kuszewski, J.-Y. Duquesne, A. Lemaître, F. Margaillan, C. Gourdon, and L. Thevenard, Phys. Rev. B 101, 144425 (2020)
  • Reproducibility of High-Performance Quantum Dot Single-Photon Sources, H. Ollivier, I Maillette de Buy Wenniger, S. Thomas, S. C. Wein, A. Harouri, G. Coppola, P. Hilaire, C. Millet, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, O. Krebs, L. Lanco, J. C. Loredo, C. Antón, N. Somaschi, P. Senellart, ACS Photonics 7, 4 (2020)
  • Optomechanical detection of vibration modes of a single bacterium, E. Gil-Santos, J. J. Ruz, O. Malvar, I. Favero, A. Lemaître, P. M. Kosaka, S. García-López, M. Calleja & J. Tamayo, Nature Nano. (2020)
  • Exploring the shear strain contribution to the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of (Ga,Mn)As, M. Kraimia, L. Largeau, K. Boujdaria, B. Croset, C. Mocuta, A. Lemaître, C. Gourdon, and L. Thevenard, J. Appl. Phys.  127, 093901 (2020)
  • Second-Harmonic Generation in Suspended AlGaAs Waveguides: A Comparative Study, I. Roland, M. Ravaro, S. Suffit, P. Filloux, A. Lemaître, I. Favero and G. Leo, Micromachines 11, 229 (2020)
  • Generation and symmetry control of quantum frequency combs, G. Maltese, M. I. Amanti, F. Appas, G. Sinnl, A. Lemaître, P. Milman, F. Baboux & S. Ducci, npj Quantum Information 6, 13 (2020)
  • Second-Harmonic Generation in Suspended AlGaAs Waveguides: A Comparative Study, I. Roland, M. Ravaro, S. Suffit, P. Filloux, A. Lemaître, I. Favero and G. Leo, Micromachines 11, 229 (2020)


  • Interfacing scalable photonic platforms: solid-state based multi-photon interference in a reconfigurable glass chip, C. Antón, J. C. Loredo, G. Coppola, H. Ollivier, N. Viggianiello, A. Harouri, N. Somaschi, A. Crespi, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, L. Lanco, R. Osellame, F. Sciarrino, and P. Senellart, Optica 6, 1471 (2019)
  • Common universal behavior of magnetic domain walls driven by spin-polarized electrical current and magnetic field, R. Díaz Pardo, N. Moisan, L. J. Albornoz, A. Lemaître, J. Curiale, and V. Jeudy, Phys. Rev. B 100, 184420 (2019)
  • Spontaneous photon-pair generation from a dielectric nanoantenna, G. Marino, A. S. Solntsev, Lei Xu, V. F. Gili, L. Carletti, A. N. Poddubny, M. Rahmani, D. A. Smirnova, Haitao Chen, A. Lemaître, Guoquan Zhang, A. V. Zayats, C. De Angelis, G. Leo, A. A. Sukhorukov, and D. N. Neshev, Optica 6, 1416 (2019)
  • Generation of non-classical light in a photon-number superposition, J. C. Loredo, C. Antón, B. Reznychenko, P. Hilaire, A. Harouri, C. Millet, H. Ollivier, N. Somaschi, L. De Santis, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, L. Lanco, A. Auffèves, O. Krebs & P. Senellart, Nature Phot. 13, 803 (2019)
  • Orbital angular momentum bistability in a microlaser, N. Carlon Zambon, P. St-Jean, A. Lemaître, A. Harouri, L. Le Gratiet, I. Sagnes, S. Ravets, A. Amo, and J. Bloch, Optics Letters 44, 4531 (2019)
  • Nonlinear Polariton Fluids in a Flatband Reveal Discrete Gap Solitons, V. Goblot, B. Rauer, F. Vicentini, A. Le Boité, E. Galopin, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, I. Sagnes, S. Ravets, C. Ciuti, A. Amo, and J. Bloch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 113901 (2019)
  • Dispersion relation of the collective excitations in a resonantly driven polariton fluid, P. Stepanov, I. Amelio, J.-G. Rousset, J. Bloch, A. Lemaître, A. Amo, A. Minguzzi, I. Carusotto and M. Richard, Nature Comm. 10, 3869 (2019)
  • Brillouin scattering in hybrid optophononic Bragg micropillar resonators at 300 GHz, M. Esmann, F. R. Lamberti, A. Harouri, L. Lanco, I. Sagnes, I. Favero, G. Aubin, C. Gomez-Carbonell, A. Lemaître, O. Krebs, P. Senellart, and N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, Optica 7, 854 (2019)
  • Type-III and Tilted Dirac Cones Emerging from Flat Bands in Photonic Orbital Graphene, M. Milićević, G. Montambaux, T. Ozawa, O. Jamadi, B. Real, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, J. Bloch, and A. Amo, Phys. Rev. X 9, 031010 (2019)
  • Real Space Observation of Electronic Coupling between Self-Assembled Quantum Dots, G. Rodary, L. Bernardi, C. David, B. Fain, A. Lemaître, J.-C. Girard, Nano Lett., 19, 3699 (2019)
  • Zero-Order Second Harmonic Generation from AlGaAs-on-Insulator Metasurfaces, G. Marino, C. Gigli, D. Rocco, A. Lemaître, I. Favero, C. De Angelis, and G. Leo, ACS Photonics, 6, 1226 (2019)
  • Three-dimensional trapping of light with light in semiconductor planar microcavities, S. Anguiano, A. A. Reynoso, A. E. Bruchhausen, A. Lemaître, J. Bloch, and A. Fainstein, Phys. Rev. B 99, 19530 (2019)
  • Universal dimensional crossover of domain wall dynamics in ferromagnetic films, W. Savero Torres, R. Díaz Pardo, S. Bustingorry, A. B. Kolton, A. Lemaître, and V. Jeudy, Phys. Rev. B 99, 201201(R) (2019)
  • Optically controlling the emission chirality of microlasers, N. Carlon Zambon, P. St-Jean, M. Milićević, A. Lemaître, A. Harouri, L. Le Gratiet, O. Bleu, D. D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, I. Sagnes, S. Ravets, A. Amo & J. Bloch, Nature Photonics 13, 283 (2019)
  • Defect Proliferation at the Quasicondensate Crossover of Two-Dimensional Dipolar Excitons Trapped in Coupled GaAs Quantum Wells, S. Dang, R. Anankine, C. Gomez, A. Lemaître, M. Holzmann, and F. Dubin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 117402 (2019)
  • Coherent generation and detection of acoustic phonons in topological nanocavities, G. Arregui, O. Ortíz, M. Esmann, C. M. Sotomayor-Torres, C. Gomez-Carbonell, O. Mauguin, B. Perrin, A. Lemaître, P. D. García, and N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, APL Photonics, 030805 (2019)
  • Emergence of quantum correlations from interacting fibre-cavity polaritons, G. Muñoz-Matutano, A. Wood, M. Johnsson, X. Vidal, B. Q. Baragiola, A. Reinhard, A. Lemaître, J. Bloch, A. Amo, G. Nogues, B. Besga, M. Richard, T. Volz, Nature Mat. 18, 213 (2019)
  • Overcomplete quantum tomography of a path-entangled two-photon state, L. De Santis, G. Coppola, C. Antón, N. Somaschi, C. Gómez, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, L. Lanco, J. C. Loredo, O. Krebs, and P. Senellart, Phys. Rev. A 99, 022312 (2019)
  • Field-Free Magnetization Switching by an Acoustic Wave, I.S. Camara, J.-Y. Duquesne, A. Lemaître, C. Gourdon, and L. Thevenard, Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 014045 (2019)
  • Lasing in optically induced gap states in photonic graphene, M. Milićević, O. Bleu, D. Solnyshkov, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, J. Bloch, G. Malpuech, A. Amo, SciPost Phys. 5, 064 (2018)
  • Quantum well photoelastic comb for ultra-high frequency cavity optomechanics, V. Villafañe, S. Anguiano, A. E. Bruchhausen, G. Rozas, J. Bloch, C. Gomez Carbonell, A. Lemaître and A. Fainstein, Quantum Sci. Technol. 4, 014011 (2019)


  • Scaling rules in optomechanical semiconductor micropillars, S. Anguiano, P. Sesin, A. E. Bruchhausen, F. R. Lamberti, I. Favero, M. Esmann, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, P. Senellart, and A. Fainstein, Phys. Rev. A 98, 063810 (2018)
  • Magneto-optical Kerr spectroscopy in ferromagnetic semiconductors: determination of the intrinsic complex magneto-optical Voigt constant, H Riahi, M A Maaref, A Lemaître and Kui-juan Jin, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 33, 125015 (2019)
  • Angular-resolved photoemission electron spectroscopy and transport studies of the elemental topological insulator α-Sn, Q. Barbedienne, J. Varignon, N. Reyren, A. Marty, C. Vergnaud, M. Jamet, C. Gomez-Carbonell, A. Lemaître, P. Le Fèvre, F. Bertran, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, H. Jaffrès, J.-M. George, and A. Fert, Phys. Rev. B 98, 195445 (2018)
  • Unstable and stable regimes of polariton condensation, F. Baboux, D. De Bernardis, V. Goblot, V. N. Gladilin, C. Gomez, E. Galopin, L. Le Gratiet, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, I. Carusotto, M. Wouters, A. Amo, and J. Bloch, Optica 5, 1163 (2018)
  • Topological acoustics in coupled nanocavity arrays, M. Esmann, F. R. Lamberti, A. Lemaître, and N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, Phys. Rev. B 98, 161109(R) (2018)
  • Spin relaxation of indirect excitons in asymmetric coupled quantum wells, C. Abbas, F. Chiaruttini, S. Cronenberger, D. Scalbert, F. Dubin, A. Lemaître, M. Vladimirova, Superlattices and Microstructures 122, 643 (2018)
  • Dark-bright exciton coupling in asymmetric quantum dots, S. Germanis, P. Atkinson, R. Hostein, C. Gourdon, V. Voliotis, A. Lemaître, M. Bernard, F. Margaillan, S. Majrab, and B. Eble, Phys. Rev. B 98, 155303 (2018)
  • Optical Probing of Rayleigh Wave Driven Magnetoacoustic Resonance, P. Kuszewski, J.-Y. Duquesne, L. Becerra, A. Lemaître, S. Vincent, S. Majrab, F. Margaillan, C. Gourdon, and L. Thevenard, Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 034036 (2018)
  • Metal-dielectric hybrid nanoantennas for efficient frequency conversion at the anapole mode, V. F. Gili, L. Ghirardini, D. Rocco, G. Marino, I. Favero, I. Roland, G. Pellegrini, L Duò, M. Finazzi, L. Carletti, A. Locatelli, A. Lemaître, D. Neshev, C. De Angelis, G. Leo and M. Celebrano, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 9, 2306–2314 (2018)
  • Temporal coherence of spatially indirect excitons across Bose–Einstein condensation: the role of free carriers, R. Anankine, S. Dang, M. Beian, E. Cambril, C. Gomez Carbonell, A. Lemaître and F. Dubin, New J. Phys. 20, 073049 (2018)
  • Optical cavity mode dynamics and coherent phonon generation in high-Q micropillar resonators, S. Anguiano, A. E. Bruchhausen, I. Favero, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, and A. Fainstein Phys. Rev. A 98, 013816 (2018)
  • Resonant magneto-acoustic switching: influence of Rayleigh wave frequency and wavevector, P. Kuszewski, I. S. Camara, N. Biarrotte, L. Becerra, J. von Bardeleben, W. Savero Torres, A. Lemaître, C. Gourdon, J.-Y. Duquesne and L. Thevenard, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 30, 244003 (2018)
  • Microscopic Nanomechanical Dissipation in Gallium Arsenide Resonators, M. Hamoumi, P. E. Allain, W. Hease, E. Gil-Santos, L. Morgenroth, B. Gérard, A. Lemaître, G. Leo, and I. Favero, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 223601 (2018)
  • Accurate measurement of a 96% input coupling into a cavity using polarization tomography, P. Hilaire, C. Antón, C. Kessler, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, N. Somaschi, P. Senellart, and L. Lanco, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 201101 (2018)
  • Optoelectronic forces with quantum wells for cavity optomechanics in GaAs/AlAs semiconductor microcavities, V. Villafañe, P. Sesin, P. Soubelet, S. Anguiano, A. E. Bruchhausen, G. Rozas, C. Gomez Carbonell, A. Lemaître, and A. Fainstein, Phys. Rev. B 97, 195306 (2018)
  • Towards an integrated AlGaAs waveguide platform for phase and polarisation shaping, G. Maltese, Y. Halioua, A. Lemaître, C. Gomez-Carbonell, E. Karimi, P. Banzer and S. Ducci, J. Opt. 20, 05LT01(2018)
  • Topological nanophononic states by band inversion, M. Esmann, F. R. Lamberti, P. Senellart, I. Favero, O. Krebs, L. Lanco, C. Gomez Carbonell, A. Lemaître, and N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, Phys. Rev. B 97, 155422 (2018)
  • Retrapping of carrier emission in photoluminescence decay time in InAlAs quantum dots with different thickness, A. Ben Daly, F. Bernardot, T. Barisien, A. Lemaître, M.A. Maaref, C. Testelin, Optical Materials 78, 126 (2018)
  • On-chip III-V monolithic integration of heralded single photon sources and beamsplitters, J. Belhassen, F. Baboux, Q. Yao, M. Amanti, I. Favero, A. Lemaître, W. S. Kolthammer, I. A. Walmsley, and S. Ducci, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 071105 (2018)
  • Resonance fluorescence revival in a voltage-controlled semiconductor quantum dot, A. Reigue, A. Lemaître, C. Gomez Carbonell, Ch. Ulysse, K. Merghem, S. Guilet, R. Hostein, and V. Voliotis, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 073103 (2018)
  • Nonlinear Polariton Localization in Strongly Coupled Driven-Dissipative Microcavities, S. R. K. Rodriguez, A. Amo, I. Carusotto, I. Sagnes, L. Le Gratiet, E. Galopin, A. Lemaître, and J. Bloch, ACS Photonics, 5, 95 (2018)
  • Quantum-size Dependence of Fine Structure and Spin Lifetime in Self-assembled InAlAs/AlGaAs Quantum Dots, A. Sahli, A. Melliti, M. A. Maaref, A. Lemaître, C. Testelin, Silicon 10, 147 (2018)
  • Spin temperature concept verified by optical magnetometry of nuclear spins, M. Vladimirova, S. Cronenberger, D. Scalbert, I. I. Ryzhov, V. S. Zapasskii, G. G. Kozlov, A. Lemaître, and K. V. Kavokin, Phys. Rev. B 97, 041301(R) (2018)


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